Recent research has shown that not all security guards are suited to work as a predictive profiler, also known as security profiler. Experts in the field of spotting abnormal behavior timely must have special and specific qualities.
Infinite Risks takes this very seriously, and, therefore, our predictive profilers are not always security professionals. Predictive profilers are hired to recognize deviant behavior in the preparation phase of criminal or terrorist activities. They can also disrupt or stop these activities at an early stage through intelligent and customer-friendly intervention techniques.
Proactivity is a basic skill in the work of a predictive profiler. This means that experienced people trained in the intelligence services of the police or armed forces act preventively rather than reactively. This is also the difference between a general security officer and a predictive profiler. The work of a security officer is also mainly proactive, but the methods used are different. Profilers are trained for a different purpose.
It is important to have a good management team behind the predictive profiler that understands the methodology and implements it in their daily work routine. We map out the risks and interventions daily and, in the long term, we get a good idea of the current situation. Processing this information can lead to detecting criminal or terrorist activities at an early stage and will save financial, emotional, and physical damage in the long run.
Predictive profiling services
Infinite Risks offers the following predictive profiling services for your organization:
- Providing predictive profiling officers
- Red teaming
- Sharing knowledge about predictive profiling within your organization
- Implementing predictive profiling procedures in your organization
- Training your management team
Our predictive profiler
Experience shows that in terms of effectiveness on the work floor, a predictive profiler can replace three regular security guards in some positions. Not only does this make your work more effective, but it also saves your organization money. The Infinite Risks predictive profiler meets the following requirements:
- Selected according to the TNO study: Competencies of a Profiler
- Completed the postgraduate course on Predictive Profiling.
- Completed the Security Profiler course
- Carries out red teaming assignments
- Multilingual and communicative skills
- Proactive and client-oriented
Some of our predictive profilers also have first aid/emergency response certificates. Our predictive profiling staff take refresher courses every year and are regularly tested for alertness via audits and red teaming exercises.
For more information about hiring a predictive profiler or a quote, please call us directly at: +31203011395 or contact us via our website.